
NOCTOVI is a food attractant for moths. When mixed with an insecticide, NOCTOVI has an attract-and-kill effect. This mixture can be used in agricultural crops moths are present such as soybeans, corn, cotton, and beans. Moths are very vulnerable when looking for food. The volatiles released by NOCTOVI attract moths across long distances and encourage them to ingest the formulation. When they feed on the mixture, they come into contact with the insecticide and die.

This product is meant to be applied to agricultural crops where target insects are present, such as soybean, corn, cotton, and bean crops.


Moths life cycle

1. A moth?s life cycle begins with copulation between male and female moths. 2. Copulation results in oviposition performed by the female. 3. A caterpillar emerges each egg. The caterpillars feed on plants, causing harm to each one they eat.

4. Each caterpillar pupates. 5. each pupa a new moth is born. In this cycle, a new generation forms and the population grows exponentially. these new generations damage to crops and economic losses increase at large.

The product utilizes an attract-and-kill approach. Insects leave their safe niches in order to find food. When approaching the product, moths experience the phage-stimulating odor and begin to feed on the mixture with insecticide.

Controlling moths prevents new generations of caterpillars from emerging which significantly reduces the creature’s destructive potential.

How NOCTOVI works

NOCTOVI attracts the moth. The moth ingests the NOCTOVI mixture with insecticide and dies. This breaks the reproductive cycle. 1. Moths seek and eat food after copulation so that their eggs can develop. The NOCTOVI attractant works across long and short distances. It can attract a moth up to 100m away. The product intices the moth to eat the mixtu

NOCTOVI COMPONENTS 3. Attractant oily resin that releases volatile compounds that attract moths long distances. 4. Phagestimulants stimulate the moths to eat the mixture. 5. Insecticide kills the moths.

Drones, tractors, and planes are available to efficiently apply product to large stretches of agricultural land

NOCTOVI is applied on the field in strips every 100m. Each point becomes a trap for moths looking for food. Areas of land without strips are free of insecticide and allow pollinators and natural pest enemies to thrive. NOCTOVI can be applied in several ways: plane, drone, tractor, backpack, and by hand. The product is effective in the field for about 5 days per application.

On extensive pieces of land, product is applied in parallel strips every 100m.

NOCTOVI is an effective product that acts on moths before the insect becomes a caterpillar. Thus, it decreases its potential damage. It is a new control modality, as it helps the effective handling in the field. Its differentiated mode of action causes moths to ingest the attractant with the insecticide, increasing lethality. At the same time, it is a tool that reduces the resistance of insects to insecticides. The product does not affect natural enemies or pollinators. It also allows the beneficial effects to be expressed.

The mixture of the product with the insecticide is highly lethal when ingested. It acts on the moths before oviposition

NOCTOVI uses significantly less water than conventional control methods. In addition to reducing the number of insects and the amount of damage, the product optimizes the use of insecticides. This precision tactic allows for the conservation of genetic materials and natural enemies.

Interruption in moth reproduction


Helicoverpa sp

Helicoverpa spp is a genus of caterpillars from the Noctuidae family has wreaked extensive damage on the Brazilian Midwest since the early 2010’s. The species primarily targets soybean, cotton, and corn plantations and has resulted in significant plant and financial loss for farmers. Helicoverpa sp also attacks beans, sorghum, millet, coffee, citrus, and tomato plants. According to Embrapa studies, the growth of the population in Brazil was due to a cumulation of inadequate cultivation practices. These looked like planting host plant species, like corn, soybean, cotton, near each other, across large stretches of land in succession. These areas were affected by inappropriate handling of pesticides. Helicoverpa are polyphagous, have a large migratory capacity, and reproduce quickly. These factors can make this species a challenge to manage.